report from puerto salaverry

Here is the latest from Lee as reported by The Sea Of Tranquility to Peruvian Officials at 08:00 horas on June 11, 2007.

1. PR
2. Sea of Tranquility
3. Junio 11, 2007 08:00 hora
4. 09°S 23.60’
5. 78°W 34.06’
6. Rumbo: 155°
7. Velocidad: 4.0
8. Puerto de Destino: Callao
9. ETA: Junio 13, 2007 24:00 hora

Last night was like running an obstical course in the dark trying to maneuver around rocks, shoreline, islands, and fishing boats. We made it with only one disoriented part.

Thank God we will not be having any more of that for the rest of the sail! 180 more nautical miles to go!

4 Responses to report from puerto salaverry

  1. Daniel Jeanneau says:

    Ok guys, this is the final lap. One more day to go and you’ll be dry and warm again. Sheila has told me that she will be preparing all of your special meal requests that you were asking….so be patient and pray for good winds and calm seas.
    Good luck and I’m looking forward to seeing all of your photo’s that were taken during this journey. Let us know if you’re going to put them in a web page.
    Best wishes,

  2. Caroline says:

    Hi Lee and Jose,

    I’m a freind of Sloans from England, -I live in Woking, not far from London- Sloan and I have been fiends since we were about 11 years old and she’s been telling me all about your trip, it sounds very interesting and a lot of fun so I just want to say Hi, Good luck and Well done! All the best Caroline, Roy, Ben, William and Thomas. xxx

  3. Dennis & Chris says:

    Hello Lee & Jose:
    How are you two holding up? Sounds like quite the evening…..was it the course or a drunken sailor at the helm? Just kidding. Happy to hear you made it through safely to write about it. Hey! Have you two seen how many hits your blog has taken….alot of people care about the two of you. Prayers are for a safe arrival. Jose & Sheila blessings on your new home…may it always be filled with love and laughter. Lee don’t even think of staying you get your butt home where it belongs. We are all anxious to hear more in detail about the trip….perhaps we will be able to read the book that you should write. Love, Dennis & Chris

  4. Sloaner says:

    Caroline is a great friend of mine and has been for some 27 years! Funny, when we were 11, I never thought I’d have a friend for 27 years. She has followed your journey through our chats on the phone. Lee – she is very interested in your travels by boat across the world…

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